Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) European Paths, Networks, Legacy

Internationale Konferenz rund um Giuseppe Tartini und seinen Einfluss auf die europäische Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts mit der Ausstellung "Maestro of the Nations. The Shared European Cultural Heritage of Giuseppe Tartini" im Foyer des Meerscheinschlössls und einem Konzert des renommierten Ensembles Aurora.

12.12.2023 - 14.12.2023
09:00 - 15:00
Cristina Scuderi
[0023] Mozartgasse 3, Meerscheinschlössl, Meerscheinschlössl

In recent years an increasingly large group of international scholars has focused on the multifaceted figure of Giuseppe Tartini - composer, musician, theorist - and his impact on eighteenth-century culture. In this conference, leading musicologists and musicians from Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Slovenia, Portugal, and Switzerland, will present new perspectives and findings on historiographical, philological, editorial, and performative problems of Tartini's music and the music culture in his milieu. The symposium will foster a deeper understanding of how compositional and performance practices were conceptualized and transmitted in the Age of Enlightenment, shedding light also on the transnational networks between Tartini, his pupils, and their patrons, active in important European courts and chapels of the time. Moreover, the meeting will offer opportunities to discuss modern digital dissemination of Tartini’s works.

The conference papers will also cover topics such as:

  • up-to-date scientific criteria in editions and catalogues
  • problems of spurious attribution
  • the weigth of Tartini’s music-theoretical and philosophical ideas in his culture
  • women composers and performers who studied with Tartini and their active role in the musical culture of the time
  • the role of Tartini's pupils in the longevity of his legacy and presence of his works in the active repertory
  • current strategies and problems in disseminating Tartini's studies

Detailed conference programme

During the event, in the foyer of the Meerscheinschlössl, it will be possible to visit the exhibition "Maestro of the Nations. The Shared European Cultural Heritage of Giuseppe Tartini".

Contact and Information
PD Dr. Cristina Scuderi, Department of Arts and Musicology
Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz, Austria

Conference Committee
Sergio Durante (University of Padua)
Pierpaolo Polzonetti (University of California, Davis)
Cristina Scuderi (University of Graz)

The conference language is English.