Kris' study of the 'rustique' style is now considered a groundbreaking contribution to the history of late Renaissance art in several respects. It programmatically transcends the boundaries of Viennese style criticism, it builds bridges between art history and natural philosophy and it understands the visual arts as a cultural process of articulating contradictions in a way that is still rare today.
At the end of 2023, Dumbarton Oaks and Harvard University Press published a revised edition of this text in English for the first time. At the invitation of the publishers, Robert Felfe accompanied the translation and provided the introductory essay to this publication.
Ernst Kris
The Rustic Style
Translated with Commentary by Linda B. Parshall, with Essays by Robert Felfe and Anatole Tchikine
Dumbarton Oaks/Trustees for Harvard University, Washington D.C. 2023
ISBN 978-0-88402-498-9