Aesthetics, Aisthesis and Media of Embodiment
The project Aesthetics, Aisthesis and Media of Embodiment aims to close a desideratum in the discussion on embodiment. Although the research carried out within this framework has provided important insights into embodiment processes, it has not yet been able to show fundamentally what embodiment is. Current embodiment research therefore urgently requires the development and application of a phenomenologically founded methodology based on art and art studies. This is to be realized within the framework of the project. Explicitly under the aspect of aesthetics, the aim is to investigate how and with which manifestations embodiment occurs at all.
The aspect of aisthesis should clarify how something can be sensually experienced and felt and how this process can in turn be perceived. Aesthetics and aisthesis should serve as guiding categories for the project to help understand what thinking actually means. With the new research approach to be developed and thus through new research methodologies that the project is to develop, it could become possible to understand embodiment fundamentally and in all its complexity.