What you should consider beforehand
Having or developing a passion for the subject matter you want to study is important and right. However, having a passion for art does not mean having a passion for studying art history - which is why false expectations sometimes arise among first-year students.
The study of art history deals with works of art of all genres (painting, graphics, sculpture, film, photography, video art, performance, installations, interactive art forms, digital art, architecture, etc.). It explores the work processes, the forms of design, the meanings as well as the materials, techniques and action strategies of artworks and the reception history of artworks. In addition, the course is devoted to the ideational, functional, political, social, institutional or individual circumstances of the creation of works of art and writings in art history.
The goal of the Bachelor's program is to provide a reliable foundation in art historical, scientific, and theoretical knowledge, including an overview of the epochs, styles, and media of art history and the ability to critically apply the methods commonly used in the discipline. In addition, the student is trained to recognize systematic connections. The program also aims to develop the ability to flexibly apply the acquired knowledge and methodological tools to concrete tasks. In contrast, the scientific research profile is to be sharpened in the Master 's program, and knowledge is to be broadened and deepened beyond the basic knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's program.
The practice-oriented study components (exercises in front of originals, teaching excursions, working groups, exercises with a thematic focus, internship, project seminars, etc.) are intended to facilitate the transition to professional life.