Bachelor examination
Normally, two examination dates are offered per semester, once at the beginning and once at the end of the semester. Announcements are made on the homepage of the Department of Art History and on UniGrazOnline. You must register for the Bachelor's examination in the same way as for all other examinations via UGO. You can find them via the current examination dates of the Department of Art and Music Studies. The Bachelor's examination can be taken after successful completion of Module K Research Practice.
You can obtain the questionnaire for the Bachelor's examination from the library of the Section of Arts. You can also request it from Heike Schweiger by email.
The next Bachelor's examination will take place under the supervision of Prof. Blunk on 21.3. at 10:00 am in HS 01.22.
Bachelor thesis
Once you have agreed on a topic with your supervisor, you must notify Eveline Scharf by email (not in person!).
This email must contain the following:
Title of the Bachelor thesis, name, matriculation number, supervisor!