Kunst zwischen Szene und Szenario / Art between Scene and Scenario
On the one hand, the research project discusses the transdisciplinary cross-overs that contemporary art is currently undergoing as a decidedly artistic knowledge practice. On the other hand, this project examines art forms that defy classical genre boundaries in order to establish completely independent modes of presentation whose manifestations are to be sought in a convergence of staged and real space. In addition - as a third analytical approach - the question of distinctive subjectivity and subjective experience - both of the artist and the recipient - is posed anew in this project. The aim is to link the subjective experience of the artwork - consciously activated by artistic practice - with the processuality and spatiality of this reception in order to be able to make concrete statements about the appearance and effects of contemporary art.
Conference for young academics "You are in a place of indifference", Graz, 29.10.2015