The workshop "Perceiving, Listening, Mimesis and Criticism: Concepts and Theories of Aesthetic Experience" deals with various theories of aesthetic experience, artistic perception and reception. Based on the concept of mimesis, researchers, composers and performers will discuss the extent to which theoretical ideas of empathetic, physical-spiritual co-perception, spontaneous imitation of sounds heard and auditory orientation in a soundscape can be made fruitful for the aesthetic evaluation of compositions based on audio scores. A central question is whether, why and how the composition, interpretation and reception based on listening creates a specific aesthetic quality of experience and action that changes the performance situation for all participants in the long term.
More detailed information concerning the program with lectures, concerts and a roundtable, from October 4 to 6, 2024.
The workshop is part of the FWF project "Sound as Score", which is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Project management: Elisabeth Schimana - University of Music and Performing Arts (mdw)/Artistic Research Center (ARC) Project partners: Susanne Kogler - University of Graz (KFU)/Institute of Art and Musicology and Piotr Majdak - Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)/Acoustic Research Institute (ARI)